#151- Ferris Bueller’s Day Off

Quick recap: A teen, one month shy of graduation comes down with a severe illness and must miss a day of school. The entire town rallies around him to show their support in this heartwarming tale.

Actually, it's about a kid who skips school and has the best day ever. What did you think this was going to be about?

Actually, it’s about a kid who skips school and has the best day ever. What did you think this was going to be about?

Fun (?) fact: John Hughes offered the role of the car attendant to Bill Paxton, but he turned it down because it was too small. As a result, Hughes never offered him a role again, making him my hero.


My thoughts: This is one of my favorite movies, and getting to watch it at the Alamo Drafthouse made me love it even more. This particular showing was a Quote-Along, which made me realize I quote this movie more often than I thought. I know how popular Ferris Bueller’s Day Off is,but getting to watch it with other die hard fans made me glad to see so many people with good taste. I’ve always* said that you can judge a person based on their favorite John Hughs film and that of course rings especially true for me.

* always meaning the other night before falling asleep because that's when I have my most profound thoughts

* always meaning the other night before falling asleep because that’s when I have my most profound thoughts

Ferris Bueller is as hilarious as it was when I watched it back in high school. I think the moments between Grace and Rooney are my favorites but every scene makes me laugh. Matthew Broderick as Ferris is wonderful on his own, but it’s his interactions with Cameron (played by Alan Ruck) that I love the most. Even though Ruck was like, 30, he plays the part of ‘awkward teen’ perfectly. He and Ferris are every guy friend I had back in school, proof that Hughes is the king of all things ‘American teen’.

I love this movie not just as a comedy, but also as a guide to the kind of life I want to live. It’s easy to get bogged down in all the daily stress I have, but watching Ferris Bueller reminds me not to take it so seriously all of the time. Live a little. Get out there and have an adventure. Talk your best friend into taking his dad’s Ferrari and then spend a day doing everything you have ever wanted. Sounds like perfect advice to me.


Final review: 5/5. I may or may not be calling in sick to work soon.

 Up next: The Life of Emile Zola